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General Documents

available in German language only

Practical manual for Address-BDR-Online

available in German language only

In addition to the application operation documents, further information, documentation and work aids are provided.

Address-BDR-Online data sheet

At the suggestion of numerous municipalities, Statistics Austria provides a data sheet to support the collection of the information for notifications of construction measures that have to be recorded in ABDR II.

The data sheet can be used as support for the person in charge to ask the building owner or the developer for the information required for ABDR in the context of the building permit procedure or the notification of completion of construction. However, with the exception of Lower Austria and Burgenland, there is no legal basis, which obliges the builder or plan drafter to fill out the data sheet. Therefore, the provision of data can only take place on a voluntary basis.

The data sheet can also be used by the persons responsible for data entry, as a preparation. They can summarize the information contained in the construction plans in the data sheet and then transfer it to Address-BDR-Online.

The data sheet is divided into a part to collect the information concerning the building and a part to collect the information on a usage unit. If a building contains more usage units, a separate data sheet (only information on the usage unit) has to be completed for each unit.

ABDR-data sheet – available in German language only

Guide to the address register

There is no legal basis for the way addresses are allocated. Based on a representative online survey among Austrian cities and municipalities in 2011, the Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying prepared a guide as a non-binding guideline for the allocation of addresses at the building level.

Guide to the address register – available in German language only

Legal basis

The legal basis for the establishment of the Buildings and Dwellings Register (BDR) is the Buildings and Dwellings Register Act – available in German language only, while the establishment of the Address Register is regulated in an Amendment to the Surveying Act. The parliamentary adoption of these two legal bases took place on 29 January 2004 (Federal Law Gazette I No. 9/2004 – available in German language only) together with the eGovernment Act, as the address register in particular is an essential prerequisite for eGovernment. Both legal provisions came into force on 1 March 2004 and provide for a reporting obligation for municipalities as of 1 July 2004.

The Address Register Regulation (AdrRegV) regulates the content and structure of the information contained in the address register. The new version of the Address Register Regulation came into force on 20 February 2016 – AdrRegV 2016 (BGBl. II Nr. 51/2016 – available in German language only).

On 1 January 2010, the amendment to the BDR Act came into force (BGBl. I Nr. 125/2009 – available in German language only).

In 2013 (Federal Law Gazette I No. 1/2013 – available in German language only) and 2018 (Federal Law Gazette I No. 78/2018 – available in German language only) amendments and existing access rights for specific ministries were extended as well as new access rights were granted to further federal departments.

According to Section 23 (1) of the Federal Energy Efficiency Act, the federal government is entitled to use the Building and Dwelling Register established and maintained by the Federal Institute of Statistics Austria, including the Energy Performance Certificate Database, for the purposes of federal energy management and energy efficiency.

Last updated on 2025-01-08.