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Access and technical information

Due to e-government requirements, the Address-BDR-Online is accessed via the portal network, i.e. users can access the application via the user portal in which they are registered. Users are managed in their user portal and are identified and authenticated when they log in.

Access rights

The access rights to the data of the local Buildings and Dwellings Registers are regulated in § 7 of the BDR Act. The law also regulates the register units and attributes on which access has to be granted for the respective institution.

In addition to the municipalities, the relevant Federal Ministries, the Main Association of Social Insurance Institutions and the Austrian Federal Monuments Office, as well as those federal provinces that have created regulations for the data transfer to the Energy Performance Certificate Database, have access to selected BDR data.

The addresses of dwellings kept in the Buildings and Dwellings Register are transmitted to the Central Register of Residents to ensure that registration processes can only be carried out at valid addresses.

Roles and rights

The Address-BDR-Online includes a comprehensive system of rights and roles that regulates the rights of users, such as read and/or write access to data fields or menu items.

Roles and rights (.pdf) – available in German language only

Portal access

Information for authorized users

Users must register in their user portal. User administration is carried out by the respective user portal.

Information for portal operators

In order for a user portal to be allowed to access the Statistics Austria (STAT) application portal, the following information must be sent to in advance.

If the user portal certificate was not issued by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the root certificate must also be submitted.

All information for user portal operators on the Statistics Austria user portal and the Adress-BDR-Online application is available via the portal.

XML interface

In addition to access via the web application, Address-BDR-Online also provides web services. All information about the connection via web services, such as the integration of the search function for addresses in an external application (program-program connection), is provided by Statistics Austria.

Interface description version 1.01 (.pdf)

Data model (.pdf)

Value range (.pdf)

WSDL and XSD files production application (.zip) as of 21 December 2023

WSDL and XSD files test application (.zip) as of 21 March 2024

Available in German language only.

Last updated on 2024-03-22.