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Migration Survey

What is the "Migration survey" about?

Migration and integration are diverse topics and people have different opinions about them. The aim of this survey is to ask people from all population groups about their views.

This information cannot be found in normally prepared statistics or in databases managed by public administrative bodies. Surveys are therefore an essential source for the reporting activities. Which is why we’re asking you to help out! By providing us with your information, you will be making a valuable contribution; only if each respondent answers the questions conscientiously and honestly will we be able to provide an accurate depiction of the situation in Austria.

Information in Arabic, Bosnian, Farsi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Turkish and Ukrainian can be found below under "Explanations, help".

Legal basis

Participating in the survey is not subject to any statutory requirement to provide information and is therefore entirely voluntary. However, a high participation rate is very important for the quality of the data. The survey is being commissioned and financed by the Federal Chancellery, and has been part of the legally required integration monitoring programme since 2017.


Data protection

All information will, of course, be treated confidentially. Statistical secrecy and the protection of your personal data are amongst our most important principles. We are required to ensure this by the Federal Statistics Act, the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act. Statistical data are therefore processed without reference to your name (rendered anonymous). Your name and address are needed only to get in contact with you. These details are stored separately from the answers in a database and deleted again once the survey closes. Personal information such as names and addresses are deleted from the evaluated data.


The evaluations also only make reference to groups, not to individual people. In other words, individual answers cannot be identified in the results. Data protection naturally also means that details containing personal information must not be forwarded to any other parties – neither to government authorities nor to companies.

You can find comprehensive data protection information about this survey in our data protection sheet:

Obligation to provide information

There is no legal obligation to take part in the survey. Participation is therefore voluntary. You will receive a small thank-you gift if you do participate.

Survey criteria

For reasons of time and cost, it is not possible to survey all people in Austria. That is why a sample of people is selected who represent as closely as possible the entirety of the population living in Austria or the sub-groups relevant for the survey. The selection is made at random so that it is guaranteed that each and every person has the same chance of being surveyed.

Who carries out the survey?

The survey is being carried out by the Federal Statistical Office of Austria ("Statistics Austria"). Statistics Austria prepares high-quality statistics and analyses on the Austrian economy and society on behalf of the government. These facts and figures form a reliable basis for the decisions taken by policy makers, administrations, industry and international institutions. Statistics Austria is a company that works on behalf of the Austrian public and is a non-profit organisation. Accuracy, non-affiliation, objectivity and relevance are the guiding principles for the work done by Statistics Austria. As Austria’s leading information service provider, Statistics Austria surveys the largest random samples, which supply precise information about social and economic life in the country. Modern quality assurance tools are also used.

What do you receive as a thank you for participating?

After completing the questionnaire, you will receive €10 as shopping voucher. You can redeem this voucher in many shops and restaurants. Or you can decide to make a donation: Statistics Austria will forward €10 as a donation to the nature conservation project "C02 storage highland moor renaturation" for your participation. For more information on the nature conservation project of Österreichische Bundesforste AG, you can find detailed information in the project description (German language):

Where can I find the results of the survey?

The results are published in the second half of the respective survey year in the Statistical Yearbook Migration&Integration. 

The publications of the last years can be found here (German only):

You may find information on the survey also in Arabic, Bosnian, Farsi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Turkish and Ukrainian:

You have received a letter with registration information for the migration survey?

The migration survey is a personal survey that can be conducted online using a laptop, smartphone or computer. Persons selected for the sample receive an announcement letter containing the link to the online questionnaire as well as the access data (user name and password).

Which questions are asked in the migration survey?

The migration survey questionnaire contains questions about your personal views on the topic of migration and integration, e.g. how you perceive living together of Austrians and migrants or how often and in which areas you have contact with Austrians or migrants.

Within the framework of the survey, only questions relevant to the respective person are displayed. The question path results from previously given answers.

Please note that the questionnaire below is only a sample questionnaire. It is not possible to fill in a printed version of the questionnaire (only possible online).

Information for online participation We are happy to answer your questions in German or English under:
Phone: +43 1 711 28-8994 Mo.–Fr., 09:00–15:00
Last updated on 2024-09-05.