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Short-term statistics in industry and construction

The Short-Term Survey in Industry and Construction forms a relevant part of the European Statistical System (ESS), information is collected in a monthly survey of approximately 10 000 companies from sections B to F of ÖNACE 2008. Reporting is mandatory for all enterprises that exceed pre-defined cut-off thresholds. As part of the short-term statistics the survey forms an integral part of the European Business Statistics collected under the European Business Statistics Regulation.

Variables relevant to the analysis of the business cycle include turnover, incoming and level of orders, employees, hours worked and earnings. The survey also collects data on production of manufactured goods according to the EU-wide harmonised classification PRODCOM. Collected information includes quantity and value of goods, irrespective of the economic classification of the reporting units.

The survey provides important information on the business cycle and production of goods for national policy makers, businesses and academia. Respective results can be found under figures industry and construction and PRODCOM.

Data collected in the survey are kept strictly confidential according to the confidentiality requirements laid down in the Austrian Federal Statistics Act and are used only for purposes foreseen there. Further details can be found in our information sheet on data protection (in German only).

Reporting is mandatory for all enterprises, establishments, working partnerships and establishments of public coorporations classified in the following sections of OENACE 2008:

  • Mining and Quarrying (Section B of OENACE 2008)
  • Manufacturing (Section C of OENACE 2008)
  • Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply (Section D of OENACE 2008)
  • Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Services (Section E of OENACE 2008)
  • Construction (Section F of OENACE 2008)

For further information on cut-off thresholds please refer to the german website.

Enterprises are notified in writing about the monthly mandatory reporting at the end of the previous reporting year. The reports are due on the 15th of the following month. If the deadline cannot be met, please contact us. For further information please refer to the german website.

Statistics Austria provides an online reporting form eQuest-Web. There you can also find detailed explanations about the data required.

Request Description
Login details Please choose this form if you need login details for your enterprise.
Login details for third party respondents Please choose this form if you need login details to respond for a client as a third party respondent.
Login details template table (ODS-File) If you need login details for several clients, please download this template table and fill in the details before returning it to Statistics Austria. Please regard the information on the “Read Me” sheet for further information.

If you need guest access to our web questionnaires, you can request this by sending an email to or by calling our hotline +43 1 711 28-7272.

Enterprises can also report via the Business service portal after a succesful registration.

Hotline General questions about the survey.
Phone: +43 1 711 28-7272
Fax: +43 1 711 28-7775 Available by telephone from:
Mon - Thu 7.30 am - 4.00 pm, Fri 7.30 am - 1.00 pm
HelpDesk about electronic reporting tools, login, applications etc.
Phone: +43 1 711 28-8009
Fax: +43 1 711 28-7775 Available by telephone from:
Mon - Thu 7.30 am - 4.00 pm, Fri 7.30 am - 1.00 pm
Last updated on 2024-03-07.