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Short-term business statistics trade and services

The aim of the short-term business statistics trade and services is to create statistical information on cyclical developments in trade and important service sectors as an indispensable source of information for market observation and market research. Furthermore, the results can be used to meet the data needs of the European Central Bank for assessing the economic development of the EU Member States in the context of a uniform European monetary policy as well as the European Community's need for information on economic convergence. 

Results for the short-term business statistics can be found under the following links:

For more information please refer to our german website.

The statistics refer to companies that carry out an activity that can be assigned to the following sections according to the classification of economic activities NACE Rev. 2 (ÖNACE 2008):

  • Section G: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
  • Section H: Transportation and storage
  • Section I: Accommodation and food service activities
  • Section J: Information and communication
  • Section L: Real estate activities
  • Section M (excluding group 70.1 and divisions 72 and 75): Professional, scientific and technical activities
  • Section N: Administrative and support service activities

General information

The monthly calculation of the turnover index and the index of persons employed is mainly done with data from administrative sources. The turnover index for most of the enterprises is calculated by Statistics Austria from the monthly preliminary VAT return (UVA) included in the administrative data of the tax authorities. The index of persons employed is produced by using the number of persons employed provided by the Federation of Social Insurances (DV) and the number of self-employed persons as listed in the business register of Statistics Austria. For the turnover index, working day adjusted and seasonally adjusted time series are calculated

For the main aggregates of retail trade, preliminary results are published 30 days after the end of the reporting period – final results are published about 60 days after the end of the reporting period. The base year is 2021.


Gross wages and salaries and hours worked are calculated quarterly on the basis of statistical data and administrative sources. Wages and salaries are based on Contributions to the Family Burden Equalisation Fund (FLAF), hours worked are calculated with statistical data from the Microcensus Labour Force Survey. In addition, social security data is used. For the index of gross wages and salaries and the index of hours worked, working day adjusted time series are calculated.

The indices are published approximately 90 days after the end of the reporting period. Base year is 2021.

Last updated on 2024-04-05.