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Rail freight transport survey

The rail freight transport statistics represent a detailed source of information regarding the performances by rail as a mode of transport. The survey of rail freight transport relates to all domestic and foreign rail transport undertakings operating on Austria’s territory. The aim is to show insights into the development of transport performances provided in domestic and cross-border traffic within certain observation periods, that public and private stakeholders should serve as a basis for strategic planning for economic and traffic policy decisions.

Rail Transport Statistics in Austria is based on the following central legal basis:

The treatment and management of personal data strictly abide by the Austrian regulations of data privacy protection and the guidelines by Statistics Austria. The information on data protection informs you about the processing of personal and enterprise-related data. The publication of results abides confidentiality rules, drawing conclusions on information of single enterprises or persons is not possible.

Railway undertakings are obliged to provide information. All railway undertakings (with the exception of them mentioned in Article 2 of Regulation [EU] 2018/643) that operate on Austrias rail network within an observation period are included in the survey.

Data on Rail Freight Transport is collected on a quarterly basis. The completed questionnaire must be sent by the 15th day of the month following the reporting quarter to Statistics Austria.

For data transmission to Statistics Austria each railway undertaking that has to provide the requried information receives an Excel-Questionnaire that contains detailed instructions on how to fill it out and key lists.

The questionnaire (see sample) can be sent to Statistics Austria in xlsx format via a provided SFTP interface (Secure File Transfer Protocol). Instructions (in German language) for the secure transmission of data are available.

Last updated on 2024-07-17.