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Energy consumption in the service sector

How much electricity do Austrian companies consume? How much natural gas? How high are corporate costs for fuel? Which industries are most affected by energy price increases? These and similar questions are answered by energy statistics. 

The survey of energy use by companies in the service sector aims to record energy consumption and energy costs in the service sector and reflects changes in a time series. The survey forms an essential basis for the energy balance and the overall energy accounts and thus contributes to the description of the energy situation in Austria and its comparability within the European framework.

Following regulations are relevant:

The treatment and management of personal data of enterprises strictly abide by the Austrian regulations of data privacy protection and the guidelines by Statistics Austria. The publication of results abides confidentiality rules, drawing conclusions on information of single enterprises is not possible. Please find further information on the German website.

Currently, the survey of energy use by companies in the service sector is conducted every two years. The questionnaire mailout for the 2023 reporting year will take place in autumn 2024. The reporting deadline for companies and municipalities is set at 15 November 2024.

Please consider the folder (in German language only) for further information.

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The reporting for the survey of energy consumption in the service sector is done via electronic questionnaires:


Energy consumption in the service sector For general and content-related questions about the survey, please contact:
Phone: +43 1 711 28-7000
Fax: +43 1 711 28-8155
Last updated on 2024-10-07.