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Employment of workforce leased out to Austria from EEA-countries

The statistics on the employment of workforce leased out to Austria from EEA (European Economic Area) countries provide information on the hiring out of workers to Austria by companies based in a foreign EEA country. Key figures include the number of leased employees sent to Austria from EEA countries and assignments as well as the duration of assignments in days.

An assignment is a supply arrangement between a foreign personnel leasing company and the Austrian employing company. Absences (sickness, vacation, compensatory time etc.) or contractual changes (change of collective agreement, change in the working hours etc.) do not lead to the end of the assignment.

The survey is conducted according to the Labour Leasing Act (Section 13 (8), Federal Law Gazette No. 196/1988 as amended). Austrian companies and institutions that employ workforce leased out from EEA countries submit data about the assignments on a yearly basis.

Information is provided by companies and institutions on all assignments in the reporting period from July 1st of the previous year to June 30th of the current year.

The survey "Employment of workforce leased out to Austria from EEA countries“ is not offered in English.

Hotline Employment of workforce leased out to Austria from EEA-countries Guglgasse 13, 1110 Wien
Phone: +43 1 711 28-7600
Fax: +43 1 711 28-7445 Mo–Fr 09:00–15:00
Last updated on 2023-11-13.