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Cross-border trade in services

Cross-border trade in services broken down by partner country and type of service are surveyed on behalf of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) as part of the balance of payments survey system. These are used to compile the current account item of services (excluding travel) in non-financial corporations. The obligation to report and the periodicity of the report (annually or quarterly) are based on legally defined thresholds.

The data provide the basis for compiling the current account within the framework of the collection system for the balance of payments statistics. The Austrian balance of payments is part of the foreign trade statistics of the EU and the European area as a whole, which represents an important indicator of currency and exchange rate policy.

The reporting regulation (PDF 0,3MB, German) ZABIL-DL 1/2022 of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank on statistical reports of cross-border trade in services, BGBl. II No. 510/2021 of December 1, 2021, provides the national legal basis.
For information pruposes only an English translation of the reporting regulation ist available.

The most relevant EU legal basis for the survey of cross-border trade in services serves the Regulation (EU) 2016/1013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 amending Regulation (EC) No. 184/2005 on Community statistics on the balance of payments, international trade in services and direct investment.

Data confidentiality is very important for us, we would like to draw your attention to our extensive data confidentiality information (German).


Article 6 The data collected by the OeNB will be used for statistical purposes only and will be kept strictly confidential in accordance with Article 6 para. 4 Foreign Exchange Act 2004. The obligation of maintaining banking secrecy under Article 38 Banking Act (Bankwesengesetz) does not prejudice the OeNB’s right to obtain these data (Article 6 para. 8 Foreign Exchange Act 2004).

With the reference year 2022 an amended legal basis leads to extensive changes relating to the following thresholds and reporting period:

  • Obligation to report an annual questionnaire
    The enterprise exported or imported services between EUR 500,000 and EUR 4,999,999 in the previous year.
  • Obligation to report a quarterly questionnaire
    The enterprise exported or imported services of EUR 5,000,000 or more in the previous year.

Threshold per
calendar year
Reporting frequency
from 2022
Legal deadline
500 000 EUR to 4 999 999 EUR annual report February 15th of the year following the reporting year
from 5 000 000 EUR quarterly report 15th day of the month following the reporting quarter


The current explanations as well as the country and service codes and a questionnaire example are available below:

Our web questionnaire eQuest-Web  is available for data reporting to Statistics Austria.

Further Remarks:

  • In order to use the function “Forgot Password” in the portal of Statistics Austria, an e-mail adress has to be stored using the application “e-mail verification”.
  • If you are a third party respondent (tax consultant, auditor or other business representative) and aim to fulfill the reporting obligations for your clients but are not registered for all of them, please request your registration online.

Ordering access data

Order Description
Login details Please choose this form if you need login details for your enterprise.
Login details for third party respondents Please choose this form if you need login details to respond for a client as a third party respondent.

If you need guest access to our web questionnaires, you can request this by sending an email to or by calling our hotline +43 1 711 28-7272.

Enterprises can also report via the Business service portal after a succesful registration.

Data import help

You can use CSV and XML formats for importing.

Already entered data in the questionnaire for "Service exports and imports" will be overwritten by the import file.

The file structure of the import file is specified and must be adhered to. A schematic description of a CSV import file ("CSV schema") and example files are available for download.

Structure of a CSV import file

Column Description Type Length Note
1 country code string 2 must be 2 digits long
2 service code string 4 must be 4 characters long
3 export value numerical 13 maximum of 13 digits, no decimals
4 import value numerical 13 maximum of 13 digits, no decimals

Hotline General questions about the survey.
Phone: +43 1 711 28-7272 Available by telephone from:
Mon - Thu 7.30 am - 4.00 pm, Fri 7.30 am - 1.00 pm
HelpDesk For technical questions about our reporting applications.
Phone: +43 1 711 28-8009 Available by telephone from:
Mon - Thu 7.30 am - 4.00 pm, Fri 7.30 am - 1.00 pm
Last updated on 2024-03-07.