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Civil aviation survey

Civil aviation statistics provide information on developments in national and international air traffic as well as on traffic and transport services rendered within specific observation periods.

The aim is to provide meaningful data to government institutions (especially federal ministries), international organizations (especially the European Union), interest groups, scientific institutes, industry, airlines and other parties interested in civil aviation.

The civil aviation survey records the traffic and operating performance of all aircraft appearing in the aircraft register of the Republic of Austria held by Austro Control GmbH. In addition, flight operations at Austrian aerodromes are surveyed. For powered flight operations, domestic and foreign aircraft as well as helicopters are included. The survey of glider operations covers all glider take-offs.

The following regulations are relevant for air transport statistics:

The treatment and management of personal data strictly abide by the Austrian regulations of data privacy protection and the guidelines by Statistics Austria. The information on data protection informs you about the processing of personal and enterprise-related data. The publication of results abides confidentiality rules, drawing conclusions on information of single enterprises or persons is not possible.

Since data protection is very important to us, please also note our detailed data protection information:

In accordance with the regulation on civil air transport statistics (Federal Law Gazette No. 538/1976) the obligation to report data affects all airlines, holders of civil airfields, holders of aircraft registered in Austria as well as holders of aircraft which are now deleted but were registered during the reporting year in Austria.

The civil aviation survey is conducted annually. The reporting period refers to a reporting year.

The submission deadline is every year in February for the previous reporting year.

Detailed explanations to all variables in the survey and general information are available on the German website.

For the survey forms on non-commercial and commercial civil aviation a variable list with English translations of the contents of the German questionnaire is available and can be downloaded in the next section.

For data transmission our electronic reporting tool eQuest is available. The access data (user name and password) have already been sent to you.

In order to use the function “Forgot Password” in the portal of Statistics Austria, an e-mail address has to be stored using the application “e-mail verification”.

Request Description
Login details Please choose this form if you need login details.

If you need guest access to our web questionnaires, you can request this by sending an email to or by calling our hotline +43 1 711 28-7272.

For the survey forms please refer to the German website.

For further information and a successful implementation of the civil aviation survey please download the variable list with English translations of the contents of the German questionnaire:

Sabine Klinghofer Phone: +43 1 711 28-7207
General questions about extensions of reporting periods, login details, paper forms etc.
Phone: +43 1 711 28-7272
Fax: +43 1 711 28-7775 Available by telephone from:
Mon - Thu 7.30 am - 4.00 pm, Fri 7.30 am - 1.00 pm
Technical questions about electronic reporting tools, login, applications etc.
Phone: +43 1 711 28-8009
Fax: +43 1 711 28-7775 Available by telephone from:
Mon - Thu 7.30 am - 4.00 pm, Fri 7.30 am - 1.00 pm
Last updated on 2024-12-13.