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Aquaculture survey

The survey on aquaculture production is conducted annually in the form of a mandatory census. In the frame of this survey, the quantity of fish for human consumption, organic fish, eggs and juvenile fish sold as well as structural data regarding the aquaculture facilities are recorded. The selection of the enterprises (fish farms) is based on the registration in the Consumer Health Information System (based on the Aquaculture Disease Regulation, Federal Law Gazette II Nr. 315/2009 as amended – available in German language only).

The results obtained in this way serve to fulfill EU-wide reporting obligations and form an important data basis for the preparation of supply balances and further agricultural policy decisions.

Based on the Aquaculture Statistics Regulation 2012 (Federal Law Gazette II No. 344/2012 respectively No. 307/2023 – available in German language only), Statistics Austria is obliged to conduct an annual survey of aquaculture production. This survey is carried out throughout the EU according to uniform criteria and is based on Regulation (EC) No. 762/2008 on the transmission of aquaculture statistics by the Member States.

Comprehensive data protection information on this survey can be found in our data protection information sheet (available in German language only). Statistical confidentiality and the protection of personal data are among our most important principles, to which we are legally bound by the Federal Statistics Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act (Federal Law Gazette I No. 165/1999 as amended).

According to § 6 of the Aquaculture Statistics Regulation 2012 and § 9 of the Federal Statistics Act 2000 ​​​​​​(Federal Law Gazette I No. 163/1999 as amended), respondents are obliged to provide information for this survey. Violations will be punished as administrative offences according to § 66 of this Act. All aquaculture farmers, including former farmers of aquaculture facilities, are obliged to provide information, and to cooperate both in this survey and in determining the new respondents. The data must be provided in time, completely and truthfully. The collected data are subject to confidentiality according to § 17 of the Federal Statistics Act 2000. The use for fiscal purposes is not permitted.

The following data on aquaculture production must be provided in the questionnaire for the calendar year 2023:

  • Production of fish for human consumption or crustaceans (total quantity marketed, organic quantity marketed, unit value of the total quantity marketed)
  • Production from hatcheries and nurseries (quantity of eggs or juvenile fish marketed)
  • Structural data regarding the aquaculture facilities

The necessary survey documents were sent by mail to all enterprises of aquaculture facilities. The completed questionnaire must be returned to Statistics Austria by 21 August 2024 at the latest (also in case of a zero report).

In case of a zero report (no sale of fish, crustaceans or products made from them), the questionnaire must be returned with a corresponding comment.

Aquaculture refers to the rearing or keeping of aquatic animals (fish, crustaceans, shrimp etc.) with the aim of increasing production beyond what is possible under natural conditions using appropriate techniques. The aquatic animals in question remain the property of a natural or legal person or the subject of legal claims arising from contractual obligations (e.g. in connection with the stocking of wild waters) throughout the rearing or keeping process, including harvesting or catching.

Aquaculture production means the quantity of fish, crabs, shrimp etc., produced under the previously mentioned circumstances and sold or delivered (live, raw or processed).

Note: Quantities for self-supply, trade (purchase and direct resale) as well as quantities from fishing (incl. angling/sport fishing) do not count as aquaculture production and are therefore excluded from the survey!

Definitions and explanations are available under Annex I & II (available in German language only).

The FAO website offers a detailed list of fish species (under: “Download the list / Download”).

The aquaculture production survey can be conducted online using the eQuest‑web application. The required access data was sent to the enterprises by mail. The password must be changed when logging in for the first time.


  • The web questionnaire can be filled out directly online, no download is required.
  • Targeted plausibility checks are carried out as soon as the data is entered and implausible entries are identified by means of warnings and error messages.
  • The questionnaire completion can be interrupted at any time and continued at a later point in time as long as the data are saved. In general, data entries should be saved regularly in order to prevent any data loss.
  • Only after clicking on the “Report Questionnaire” button and receiving the associated confirmation that the questionnaire has been sent, the questionnaire is considered to be submitted to the system of Statistics Austria.

Team Animal Production Phone: +43 1 711 28-7959
Phone: +43 1 711 28-8291 Available on weekdays from 9.00 am–3.00 pm
Last updated on 2024-07-24.