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Strategy 2025

With its figures and data, Statistics Austria provides the foundation for fact-based public debate, empirical research and evidence-based decisions in society, politics and the economy regarding, for example, the challenges faced and courses to be set on the labour market, in education or in social and economic policy.

The  Strategy 2025 (PDF, 2 MB), presents the medium-term strategic considerations for Statistics Austria taking account of the existing European and national legal frameworks for official statistics as well as the chief developments in the ESS, technological advances, and the importance of Statistics Austria for Austria as a business location. The goal of Strategy 2025 is to ensure that Statistics Austria continues to achieve and increase its great benefits to society, as illustrated by its user groups: citizens, the economy, science, politics and public administration. Innovative action that includes the use of digitalisation is a fundamental principle of the work performed by Statistics Austria. In addition, close attention is paid to the objectives of increasing efficiency and quality, reducing the burden on respondents through the use of new data sources and by other means, and assuring the further development and satisfaction of employees.

Last updated on 2024-08-28.