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European statistics code of practice

The "European Statistics Code of Practice" was first promulgated following a Commission recommendation of 25 May 2005 on the independence, integrity and accountability of national and community statistical authorities. As enshrined in Article 11 of EU Regulation 223/2009, the Code of Practice aims to ensure public confidence in European statistics by specifying how European statistics are developed, poduced and disseminated in accordance with statistical principles and international best statistical practices . The current version was approved on November 16, 2017 by the Committee for the European Statistical System (ESSC) and published by Eurostat in June 2018. Based on the indicators of the code of conduct, a quality assurance framework (“Quality Assurance Framework”) is continuously being developed, which serves as a dynamically expandable basis for assessing compliance with the code of conduct. This is intended to provide a reference for NSIs to be able to carry out self-assessments in a suitable manner.

European Statistics Code of Practice 
Quality Assurance Framework

Peer Review Report (PDF 1,2 MB)

User satisfaction survey 2023/2024

Statistics Austria conducted a user satisfaction survey in the  from  November 2023 to January 2024. A total of 389 experts participated in this voluntary survey and answered a web questionnaire. By conducting such surveys, important principles of the European Code of Practice for European Statistics are taken into account. The results of the survey relate to the following topics:

Results of the user satisfaction survey 2023/2024



Last updated on 2024-07-18.