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Media owner

Federal Institution under Public Law 
Guglgasse 13 
A-1110 Vienna 
Phone: +43 1 711 28-0 
Fax: +43 1 711 28-7728

Company register: FN 191155k, registry court: Vienna Commercial Court 
Registered office: Vienna, place of jurisdiction: Vienna 
VAT ID No.: ATU37869909 

Data Protection Information:

Disclosure in accordance with § 25 Austrian Media Act

Statistics Austria, Federal Institution under Public Law, performs services of a scientific nature in the public interest and compiles statistics of all kinds, including the relating analyses, forecasts and statistical models that go beyond the interests of an individual Land. The web pages of Statistics Austria, Federal Institution under Public Law, contain statistical information concerning economic, demographic, social, ecological and cultural matters that is made available to the general public.

Management of Statistics Austria Federal Institute: General Director (Statistics) Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Thomas and Director General (Finance) DDr. Franz Haslauer.

Economic Committee of Statistics Austria, Federal Institution under Public Law: Prof. Mag. Helmut Kern, MA (Chair), Gruppenleiter Ministerialrat Erich Albrechtowitz (Deputy Chair) and members MMag.a Magdalena Greiner, ADirin. Andrea Hebenstreit, BR Ing. Martin Heinzl, GL Mag.a (FH) Michael Krammer, MA, Mag.a Tanja Lässig, Dipl.-Ing. Ernst Unger, Rätin Mag.a(FH) Andrea Schneeberger, MBA, BR Mag. Florian Plackner, BR Mag. Josef Falkinger, BR Mag.a Judith Falkinger.

Copyright Statistics Austria

The product and all material contained therein are protected by copyright with all rights reserved by the Bundesanstalt Statistik Österreich (STATISTICS AUSTRIA). If the contained material is accurately reproduced and the source “STATISTICS AUSTRIA” is quoted it is permitted to reproduce, distribute, make publicly available and process the content. If data content such as tables, graphics or text published by STATISTICS AUSTRIA is partially used, displayed or otherwise changed, a note must be added at an adequate position to show data was extracted or adapted. 

Separate licenses and terms of use apply to open data of Statistics Austria.

Copyright notes, illustrations

Photo credits on homepage: The MIT License (MIT); Copyright (c) 2015, Vincent Garreau
Photos Directors General: Klaus Ranger „© Statistik Austria/Ranger–Marton“  
Photo of the office: © Statistik Austria/Sebastian Philipp


Last updated on 2024-08-13.