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Technical subcommittee on labour market statistics

The technical subcommittee on labour market statistics is managed by the directorate social statistics.


Topics Projects
Labour market statistics based on household surveys Microcensus - Labour force survey and modules
Labour market statistics based on administrative data Register-based labour market statistics
Monitoring of education-related employment behaviour
Register-based labour market careers
fit2work monitoring
Monitoring of the retirement age
Business-related labour market statistics Labour cost survey
Labour cost index
Index of agreed minimum wages, Index of agreed minimum wages revision
Job vacancy survey
Statistics on labour leasing and job placement
Further labour market topics and methodological projects Labour force projections
Methodological projects


  • 6 June 2023, 10 a.m.


  • 1 June 2022, 10 a.m.
Last updated on 2023-08-23.