The technical subcommittees were established by the Director General (Statistics) of Statistics Austria according to § 63 of the Federal Act on Federal Statistics. They are corresponding to the subject areas of federal statistics and play an important role in advising Federal Ministries, Federal Statistics bodies as well as the Federal Institute of Statistics Austria on technical matters regarding federal statistics.
The technical subcommittees consist of:
- representatives of the relevant authorities (Federal Chancellery, Federal Ministries, Austrian Court of Audit, administrative offices of federal provinces, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Austrian Economic Chambers, Presidential Conference of Chambers of Agriculture, Federal Chamber for Workers and Employees, Austrian Trade Union Federation, Federal Conference of the Liberal Professions, Austrian Technical Chambers of Agricultural Workers, Austrian Association of Cities and Towns, Austrian Association of Municipalities);
- the required number of relevant experts in employment;
- relevant members of the “Economic Court” called in to meetings on a case-by-case basis.