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Development of R packages for methodological work in official statistics

Objective and implementation

Today most of the tasks of Statistics Austria’s methods unit are covered by functions implemented in (in-house developed) R packages. Some of them are developed for internal use only, however, a number of packages are also made available publicly. Statistics Austria is steadily encouraging the usage of R internally, but is also actively contributing to the international open source community by further developing R packages relevant for official statistics.

Innovation within the project

In academia, R is considered the lingua franca for statistics with regard to advancing statistical methods and tools and their implementation. Statistics Austria is therefore continuously promoting the usage of R and thus the exchange with academia and other NSIs. The packages developed at Statistics Austria are applicable to statistical production processes of NSIs around the world.

Further information, project results

Github ( is the development platform for externally available R packages. All R packages that are in regular production are published on CRAN ( as well. Some of the packages are even listed on the list  "Awesome official statistics software" ( ).

Developed R packages

Statistical disclosure control (SDC):


Seasonal adjustment:

Weighting and error estimation (Bootstrap) of sample surveys:


Access to open data:

Last updated on 2023-01-30.
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