Order / renewal

Order one or more fee-based subscription for the Statistical Database (STATcube) of STATISTICS AUSTRIA:

x € 57.00 =
14 days, 100 000 values
x € 282.00 =
92 days, 1.5M values
x € 901.00 =
366 days, 6M values
x € 2701.00 =
1098 days, 18M values
= €
Customer Data / Delivery Address
  1. the web application of STATcube is compatible with the inquiry device (data processing equipment) used,
  2. the pertinent data, also with respect to the structural depth, is available in STATcube, and whether
  3. there are any indications in the comments to the pertinent data that data protection issues may restrict the accessible data.

By purchasing a subscription the user confirms having examined the availability and accessibility of the pertinent data and waives his right to rescind the purchase agreement on account of mistake or frustration of contract.